Husband and I live in a small one bedroom apartment, Isuppose I don’t really need to say small because all one bedroom apartments aresmall! After getting married we have a lot of our ‘real life’ stuff that mostpeople living in a one bedroom wouldn’t have. I’ve had to get pretty creativeon how to fit into this space (such a fun challenge!). The biggest challengehas been the kitchen – why is the kitchen always so small in a one bedroom? Ihave the same amount of kitchen stuff regardless of other house space. Withlimited cupboard space we couldn’t fit everything in, and even if we shoved everyspace to the brim I’d go crazy having to empty everything out to get the oneitem I needed! So I’ve put things all over and am continually moving thingsaround so that food, spices, dishes, and appliances have a place where they belongand are easily available for use…and can easily be put back away. Here are someof the things that I’ve done to ‘fit’:
Above the fridge is usually useless space. Growing up we had baskets on ours and I've seen a lot of people put cereal and chips up there, which are both decent uses of this space, but always leave the cupboard behind inaccessible. I got a bunch of these canisters for our wedding and they look great up here! An extra perk: I only have to move the spaghetti one to get the cupboard! I store the surplus of these cooking supplies in there. |
Behind the fridge canisters I store our large serving bowls. These are a little awkward to get out, but the amount they're used it's okay. I also put our potatoes here, not quite the awesome storage as seen here, but at least they get good ventilation and they last a long time here. |
I thrifted this shelf a long time ago and spray painted it blue. Kitchen space is so valuable that I hate putting any kind of decor up ...definitely on our counters! I've been able to add personality to this little space, without taking away any of the little space. I also store some stuff on here - butter, cinnamon and sugar...that's it. I keep looking for a small pitcher that is covered so I can store syrup here. |
This is a really bad picture. I might replace it when I get home. This little storage box has all of my measuring cups and spoons in it. I have two drawers in my entire kitchen...TWO! One has silverware in it and the other mocks me as I try to fit all other cooking utensils in it. So I put all the measuring stuff together (cause they make that drawer SO awkward). It's proved better than I thought, when I bake I just pull this down and have every measurement right on the counter. |
This is our coat closet pantry. We only have two closets in this apartment, not having a coat closet stinks, but it's more important to have a place to store food. I bought these shelves and literally had to build them in this closet. This is a mess, but we can (usually) find what we need - I just don't have space to have it all fit AND look pretty. Someday. |
This is the top of the closet. Appliances are so useful, but take up lots of room, and I am NOT sacrificing counter space for these, that's a good way for me to feel like my tiny kitchen is never clean even when it is because of the overwhelming, soul-killing clutter. This is also great cause I can grab every appliance without having to empty everything in front/on top of it. |
I also have some serving dishes that I rarely use packed ina bin out on our porch – it’s still very accessible, but not taking up roominside (I also put bulky items like toilet paper and paper towels out there.Oh, and stuff I’m saving up for the next Upscale Yard Sale!). We live on thesecond floor and have a big porch that we’re able to put bins toward the backwhere they aren’t easily viewed, still since it’s not in my house I know I riskthem being taken at some point, but I’d rather have extra space! I also putsome appliances under the foot of our bed – stuff that we want accessible butdon’t need all the time: cake decorating supplies, griddle, and waffle maker.
Some other things I’ve done to fit into this space:
- The shelf in my coat closet pantry had another two shelvesthat I put in our closet to put towels and sheets on.
- Our bed is on risers so lots of stuff goes underneath.
- We have baskets all over that hide stuff from view.
- Husband NEEDED an ottoman and we got one that has storage inside(having stuff in plain view that adds extra storage is wonderful!).
- I put wrapping materials and other flat items behind thecouch.
- Picture frames not in use go under our couches.
I dream of one day having space for everything and gorgeousorganizing systems that are functional and pretty to looks at, but littlespaces lend to lots of creativity! I’ve done such a good job and givingeverything a place that Husband thinks that when we move we can fit all ourstuff into our two cars…haha, oh Husband.
What have you done to fit into your space?
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