Mom put me in the car on the morning of my half birthday, I took a nice nap and when I woke up we were at the airport picking up Lizzy! I was so surprised. Mom didn't let on at all. We've been having so much fun. Last time I saw her I was just a little baby, so I had to show her what a big guy I am now and the fun things I've been up to.
I've started eating food. I love it. Like LOVE. I really like broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches and tomatoes. Mom's worried I will turn orange. I'm under stick beta-carotene surveillance. Beside broccoli I just don't like green food. Not a fan of green beans or peas. Definitely do not like peas.

Sometimes mom doesn't make my food fast enough. How does she think that's okay? Unacceptable. I let her know about my distress:

I can sit up and play all by myself. Mom and I have been spending lots of time outside. She puts me in the shade and I can play with my toys. I love summer.

I also love bedtime. I let mom know when she's taking too long on that too. I like to get in my crib and play with my worm. You can see him here a little in this picture (he has numbers on his belly). He is my best friend. Sometimes I wake up at night just to play with him.

I also like to wiggle all over my crib. I wiggle to the top, down to the bottom. I end up sideways and upside down. Sometimes I wiggle myself to the top and get my head wedged or get my leg stuck between the rungs - then I scream for mom or dad's help. Easy fix.

I'm so big that I can grab the toys on my swing. I am so proud whenever I grab it.

Mom got me this toy at a yard sale. It is so much fun. I can stand and play. It is awesome. This whole standing thing is pretty legit.

Sometimes I'm just having so much fun I don't realize I'm so sleepy.

What else is going on...I like talking and screeching. It is so much fun to make noises. I like to talk to my toys and scream to the air. The best place is during church when everyone is quiet, then I can hear myself super well.
When I get really excited I sway my head from left to right - makes it harder to sit up, but I just can't contain all my enjoyment in my little body! Mom calls it my bob n'weave.
I had a spec of a tooth for about a week, but now it's disappeared. Lame. Mom and dad smile at me with their big teeth and I want some. And I worked really hard for that spec, it hurt. Maybe by next month I'll have something to show off.
I'm closer to one year old than I am to birth now. So many exciting things between now and then. Off to eat some carrots then to bed!
Until next month,
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