I had an audience. Pretty sure I should take up show business.
In other news. I ate a whole banana today. Num num num num num. It took all day, but I have five chompers now, so I can do that. I like shoving as much food in as I can to munch on. Especially gold fish. Mmmm. And I love drinking by myself. And spitting half the water out is funny. I have good times in this chair.

But those five chompers weren't all glory - I got all three top teeth together and caught a virus which landed us in the ER cause I had a high fever. Course this happened in the middle of the night. On a weekend. When my cousins were visiting. Rough business. But now I have these pretties to bite everything with.

And then I had to go to the doctor's. Mom let me play with the paper shield - so much more fun than the ER.

Other than my teeth, I've got this crawling thing down. Well, army crawling. I got to the front door and back today! I can go wherever I want, whenever I want. It is AWESOME! I am getting frustrated going everywhere on my belly though. I've been working on getting up on my knees, but I just don't get it. I practice all the time, sometimes in the middle of my nap my body wants to practice and I wake up rocking on my knees - it's so annoying! I'm working on it all the time when I'm awake, and I have to groggily have my nap time interrupted too? Rude.

Mom's put up gates and barriers for me. But she has to leave space for Stella. Here she is taunting me that she can get out and I can't. So I blocked her from getting in. You shall not pass pooch! Two can play at that game!

All this army crawling has taken a toll on my threads. These were my favorite jammies! But I do like having my piggies free, I can move better.

I've been cruising in this thing too. Mom mostly puts me one the floor, but when I get in this thing I am sooo fast! Today I figured out I'm tall enough in this thing to get into the kitchen trash. Jackpot. Sometimes mom and dad hold my hands and walk with me - what a blast. Maybe I should skip this knee crawling thing and get to walking.

Got my crib lowered. Mom showed me I could stand. A riot. Until I let go and fell over. Learning how to work this confounded body is getting a lot more painful!

After my bonk, mom got out this FisherPrice farm for the first time. I loved it right away. She puts all the pieces away and I pull them all out. Sometimes she puts all my toys in different baskets for me to go around and get out. I make sure I get every single toy out. Then she puts them back in so I can pull them back out. Last week when mom was working I pulled everything apart and when she turned around not a single toy was touching another. She laughed and laughed. We play lots of fun games these days.

Oh, and here are a few more shots from family pictures:

And one more thing, I am loving the song and music video Shake It Off by Taylor Swift, you should check it out.
Wade is so stinking cute. I love all these pictures of him.