This is right, right after we built these shelves.
I toyed with some options. My first thought was some kind of custom cabinet. I wanted something that would travel with us whenever we move, plus custom always pings pricey in my mind. So I looked at some dressers. But realized I something that was less busy, plus what would I do with two matching dressers in our next house?
Eventually I looked at cabinet options at IKEA. I found the Besta collection - that they're phasing out (price cut!). They fit nicely with just enough room for a storage bag on the side - which will stay standing up, thanks to the cabinets.

Ideally I'd love if the wood was a little lighter. And I'd love if they were miraculously the perfect width of the little nooks there. But for $150 for both of them...this works wonderfully. Plus they look great together, so reconfiguration options for the future.
One cabinet is Wade toys. The other houses DVD's and games - which currently Wade thinks also counts as his toys. Might put a lock on it, simply because playing 500 card pick up every day is not my favorite.
Restyling the shelves actually all started with this:

And then more rearranging came:

And I'm sure more rearranging will come. I find myself not posting until something is done - but, to Husband's chagrin, I'll never be done. I love tweaking things too much!

Feeling so much more organized! Even if the new cabinets get emptied daily. Everything now has a place - at least in this room.
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