I've also been wanting to capture some "this is our life" photos - so this morning we were all piled in the bed, as we often are, and I decided to grab the camera. These aren't great, but I also kind of love them. The lighting in our room is awful, we're all in what we went to bed in the night before (not in cute jammies), and I just destroyed a zit on my cheek. Oh, and some are super grainy, cause I don't have time to move around and zoom the camera if I want to keep everyones attention. But they really capture our life right now. Husband and I trying to snag a few more lazy moments before really starting our day. Handing Wade the phone to entertain him just a few more minutes (we're those parents). Catching smiles from the girls.
I love these moments. These are the moments I want to remember. Complete with real doggie and toy doggie - cause anything less, wouldn't be the whole family!
I'm holding Jacqueline and Husband is holding Blake. Oh, and I'm brunette right now.
Love you guys.