
Family Pictures - November 2015

We took pictures as an entire family! I think these are the very first shots of all of us. Wait, is that right?! We've had good intentions several times, but getting everyone in cute clothes, awake and not crying - that's a lot to ask for. Oh, and in cute clothes before spit up or lunch turns them ...uncute.

I've also been wanting to capture some "this is our life" photos - so this morning we were all piled in the bed, as we often are, and I decided to grab the camera. These aren't great, but I also kind of love them. The lighting in our room is awful, we're all in what we went to bed in the night before (not in cute jammies), and I just destroyed a zit on my cheek. Oh, and some are super grainy, cause I don't have time to move around and zoom the camera if I want to keep everyones attention. But they really capture our life right now. Husband and I trying to snag a few more lazy moments before really starting our day. Handing Wade the phone to entertain him just a few more minutes (we're those parents). Catching smiles from the girls.

I love these moments. These are the moments I want to remember. Complete with real doggie and toy doggie - cause anything less, wouldn't be the whole family!

I'm holding Jacqueline and Husband is holding Blake. Oh, and I'm brunette right now.

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