Bryan had a birthday! It's taken him 32 years to get this awesome. Kids made him decor (behind him) and I made him all the good food all day - ending with french silk pie with oreo crust, now that's a party.
Tonight we were reading The Friend and I was explaining something and looked at Blake and just couldn't get through it. Bryan was looking at his pie and looked up when my voice broke (cause me getting choked up about a story in The Friend wouldn't be too unheard of), but I just couldn't keep the giggles in about her face. The perfect fork lines on her upper lip and going up her nose! The hair in the chocolate covered mouth is pretty good too.
We were talking about middle names and Blake announced that she knew her middle name, "It's Aunt Elizabeth!"
We have a big house, but this is where art class needed to happen.
We were trying to get out the door and I told the kids they could grab a sucker (hoping it would be adequate motivation). Wade had been eating raisins and declared, "this is so much better than raisins." Ha, no duh buddy.
Sunday we were in t-shirts and opened the windows cause it was so warm, Monday we had this:
Forecast for Saturday is 60 degree. Normal MN spring. Actually - we're ahead of schedule, I have bubl foliage poking out of the ground, that's way early! Oh, we also had a tornado warning and hail last week. Normal.
Girls have been taking a lot of naps again. I have a very specific and odd remembrance of last spring (y'know, when we were all suddenly quarantined) and the girls went back to napping almost every day last spring too. This particular nap was induced after a fall on the kitchen stool, a mildly over the top cry, and the trauma of mom inspecting the damage. Exhausting.

My friend/one of the YW I had, just graduated hair school. Today she made everyone's dreams come true by coming to our house and dyeing all our hair pink! I should clarify, she made what MOM THOUGHT were fun little girl dreams come true - Blake was quite a turd about the whole thing. Started in the morning when I was going to the bathroom and she asked if I was going to do anything with her today (in the beg/whine/guilt tone that she's gotten way too good at, which is odd cause it's not effective, just aggravating). So I let slip that we were going on an adventure. So the girls started packing bags and getting snacks. They were rearing to go, so I told them I needed to pick up some shelves and they could some. Blake fell on the floor in disappointment at the lameness of the adventure. I told her it wasn't the planned adventure, that would be later! This was just something I needed to do. Then we went to a park, cause we had time before the adventure. Then I told the girls what we were doing and they were mad and said it wasn't an adventure if it's at our house.

Jac got into it and was excited. Blake continued to be a stinker. She said she was too scared, but I forced her because I knew she'd regret it (and probably have a meltdown later) if she didn't. Had to hold her hand and feed her doritos the whole time. Then she was mad she had to wait for it to set. Mad about washing it out. Mad that I made them take a bath to get it all out well. Then mad that mine and Jac's hair is more vibrant! I explained it's cause she whined and didn't have hers in as long. Next time I will not assume any wishes to grant. And take them on an adventure to get McDonald's instead.
Tonight Wade was reading a book and there was a character named Coco. Wade stopped and said, "Hey, Coco. That's the name of Papa Billa's....creeepy...thing." Ha, ha! That creepy thing does make an impression.
So that's this week. Goal for next week: have at least one picture of Wade.
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